PACT Animal Sanctuary
We work to relieve the suffering of animals of any species and to provide sanctuaries for the care and treatment of animals.
Based in:
East Anglia
# of animals in our care:
Types of animals cared for:
ferrets, birds, horses, cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents, wildlife
Is the centre open to visitors?
Yes! For upcoming events, visit https://www.pactsanctuary.org/events.html
This shelter is currently welcoming
donations (£), adoptions, donations (items)
Over the past 25 years, PACT has rehomed or released over 14,000 animals, and there are never fewer than 1,600 resident animals in our care. Birds, Rats, Gerbils, Hamsters, Ferrets, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Cats, Dogs, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, Ponies, and Horses, and all species of British wildlife. Our main work includes the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of 50 dogs, 100 cats and 120 rabbits although all of our animals are available for rehoming if the environment they are going to will give them a better life than they have at the sanctuary.
To advance the education of the public in the care of animals and the preservation, improvement and protection of the habitat and environment of animals.
PACT is now accepted as one of the best environments in Norfolk for animal welfare training. Every year we provide work experience for over 120 students from local colleges and schools. PACT has a dedicated team of employed animal care assistants and many volunteers, some who just love animals, and want to help our work, others are helpers experiencing health problems who come just to sit with the cats for an hour or so, or at different times to walk dogs, and still others who spend two or three days a week at the sanctuary. Working and being with the animals has proven to be an excellent aid to help people learn to cope and relate to other people.
To relieve the needs of people, who are in need as a result of disability, ill health, (physical or mental) unemployment, through animal assisted therapy.
In 2005 the charity won a lottery grant of £50,000 to rebuild the barnyard at the sanctuary, to provide facilities to house friendly animals in a relaxed atmosphere. This area is dedicated for disabled people and those with emotional and learning difficulties to benefit from a sanctuary where they can interact with animals and gain or regain confidence and self-respect without the necessity of coming into contact with many people.
The renovation provided a cuddle room study facility, a disabled toilet, two kennels for dogs, two small stables for goats and sheep, and a room for rodents, A room which is furnished as a lounge is home to older cats, where people using the room can relax with a cat on their lap.
As our work with wildlife increased over the years it became obvious that we had to build a wildlife hospital to care for the many British wildlife who came to PACT for help. In 2014 we set up an appeal to raise £130,000 to build a complete wildlife complex. The main building was completed in 2018 it is made from recycled freezer lorry sides. It requires very little heating and is quite cool in summer. We now need another £40,000 to build the release aviaries needed to teach the birds to fly and some with ponds to acclimatize the wild fowl to water.
Included in the 15 acres at the Sanctuary, is an area of 2.5 acres with lakes, that is dedicated to wildlife. A predator proof fence has been erected so that injured wildlife, not able to survive in the wild, can be released there to live as normal a life as possible. The PACT Animal Ambulance is on 24-hour call out, on average, 15 emergency calls a week from the police and people reporting animals in need. Mainly these are wildlife that are attended, assessed, given immediate first aid and once taken to be cared for in the new wildlife hospital. We also have a fully equipped veterinary unit at the sanctuary where there are 2 full time vet nurses, and a vet responsible for the wellbeing of all our rescued animals.
During the winter we look after over 500 hedgehogs, mainly babies which we release in the spring. Most summers we look after and teach to fly over 500 fledglings. In total we make a difference to over 2,000 wild animals every year.

We are not government funded and rely on the generosity of our supporters donating funds to our sanctuary and holding fundraisers for our animals.
On our website you can purchase sponsorship packs as gifts to friends and relatives for birthdays and Christmas and other occasions.
COVID-19 has hit us hard and any support you can offer will be appreciated and enable us to continue our rescue work.
Please donate, enter our online competitions, fundraise for our animals and support us in any way you can.
Even if you can only spare a couple of pounds, it all helps to feed the animals that we rescue.
PACT Animal Sanctuary
River Farm
Near Hingham
Norfolk NR9 4PJ
01362 820 775